


Hangácsi Márton - Tizennyolc (music video)

Márton got to me with the idea of making a video game music video. The song is about feeling hopeless about your life and about your situation and how people tend to not see things they don’t want to see. We were brainstorming a few times and came up with the idea of showing the players secret, out of the game life as if running and collecting coins was her job. I looooved working on this project and luckily Márton was also satisfied with the result. Making music videos is so much fun! Hope you have fun watching it too!

tizennyolc map
tizennyolc still (1).jpg
tizennyolc still (2).jpg
tizennyolc still (4).jpg
tizennyolc still (7).jpg
tizennyolc still (8).jpg